Tuesday, 4 September 2012

Planning for Culture In India

 The definition of Culture’ in Indian context is very broad and can be confusing sometimes. It can mean from religious culture to language, to folk/ tribal culture to literature to visual arts and performing arts as well.

Article 29 of Constitution states- “All minorities, religious/ linguistic can set up their own educational institutions to preserve and develop their own culture.” (Linking culture to language and religion.) Language became the basis for carving out states post independence. The focus on culture became more pronounced in the early 1990s, following the Babri Masjid- Ayodhya conflict and led to many debates, but here again the discussions were mainly on culture as a religion. 

 Culture Ministry is a broad umbrella organization today, which looks into tangible (monuments) as well as intangible culture. It took a long period of time for Culture to get an independent Ministry of its own, and only four times in thirteen governments it has had an independent ministry.

Allocation in respect of Department or Ministry of   Culture
Date of Notification
M/o Scientific Research and Culture Affairs
Since 1961
Sanskriti Vibhag
D/o Culture
D/o Culture under M/o Education & Culture
D/o Culture under M/o Culture Affairs
D/o Culture under M/o HRD
D/o Culture under M/o Culture, Youth Affairs & Sports
D/o Culture under M/o Tourism & Culture
M/o Culture
D/o Culture under M/o Tourism & Culture
M/o Culture
D/o Culture under M/o Tourism & Culture
M/o Culture

 The five year plans in India are a major source to study Government of India's policy and outlook on various subjects. When we try to assess government’s policy on culture we invariably look to the Five Year Plans. Following the Socialist model of planning in Nehruvian India, everything had to be carefully thought out before it was implemented. Culture was an important issue but first the basic issues of food and agriculture had to be looked into.Culture suffered due to unrelated events like war, drought, economic crisis, etc. which affected government's spending on the arts and culture sector.   
Approach papers which are published before the Plans (earlier ones and including 10th, 11th and 12th) have been quite on Culture as well. Whenever there is something significant that government plans to do in the field of culture they make a special committee.

  The 1st Five-year Plan was launched in 1951, and it had no mention of art/culture.

“Culture appears covertly under the guise of education (itself subsumed
 under the head of ‘Social Services and Rehabilitation’) in the First Plan. It
 does not in this text merit even a sub-heading. The chapter on ‘Education’
 however emphasizes its role in the shaping of a disciplined national citizenry.
 A central function of the educational system was also to ‘satisfy’ the nation’s
 ‘cultural needs,’ for it was through ‘the growth of the creative faculties’
 and through the developing of a ‘spirit of critical appreciation of arts, literature
 and other creative activities’ that individuals with ‘integrated’ personalities
 would emerge.”[1]

Under Education section, 2nd Five Year Plan (1956), had a number of important programmes- for the development of Arts, Akedemies were set up. Sahitya Akademy (academy of letters), the Lalit Kala Akademy (academy of fine arts), and the Sangeet Natak Akademy (academy of dance, drama and music) were set up. The 3rd five year plan carried it forward and increased the budget. Among other programmes it proposed the setting up of a National Theatre and also a large open-air theatre in Delhi.
Two successive years of drought, devaluation of the currency, a general rise in prices and erosion of resources disrupted the planning process and after three Annual Plans between 1966 and 1969, the fourth Five-year plan was started in 1969.
4th five year plan had a preface by Indira Gandhi and mentioned war. Cultural programmes received 1.5% of budget and talked of developing the Akademis further.
 5TH Five year Plan with a note on economic situation, was divided into two parts 1974-77 and 1977-79. In relation to the first three years, the proposed outlay in the next two years marked an increase. Sixth Five Year Plan, under the section- Education, aimed at democratising culture and made it part of the program of human resource development.
7th Five year plan (1985-90) had a section on Art and Culture, under Education, Culture and Sports- it proposed setting up of Zonal Cultural Centres in different regions of the country and for the dissemination of culture to the masses, the mass media was going to be utilised. The Centres would provide facilities for creative development of arts; with special emphasis on folk arts as also the revival of vanishing arts. The traditional fairs and festivals would be supported through the State agencies and Zonal Cultural Centres. Academies were strengthened. And proposed setting up of Indira Gandhi National Centre for Art (IGNCA) with a National Theatre on the same premises.
The Eighth Plan could not take off in 1990 due to the fast changing political situation at the Centre and the years 1990-91 and 1991-92 were treated as Annual Plans. The Eighth Plan was finally launched in 1992 after the initiation of structural adjustment policies.
8th five year plan (1992-97) under Education, Culture and Sports-  Art and Culture had a long section dedicated to the subject. Seven Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCC's) at Patiala, Nagpur, Allahabad, Udaipur, Shanti Niketan, Dimapur and Thanja-vur organised major events including workshops, fairs, exhibitions of folk, tribal arts and crafts, classical dance performances, music concerts, theatre fairs etc. The Sahitya Academi (SA), Sangeet Natak Akademi (SNA) and Lalit Kala Akademi (LKA) continued their schemes relating to awards and fellowships to distinguished literary scholars and artists; held workshops, exhibitions, kala melas. The SNA also provided financial assistance to cultural institutions for training, production and research besides holding zonal theatre festivals.
A number of schemes, like building grants, financial assistance to dance, drama, theatre ensembles, promotion and dissemination of tribal/folk art and culture were implemented by the Department to encourage voluntary efforts. The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) was registered as an autonomous trust in March, 1987 with four academic divisions of Kala Nidhi, Kala Kosha, Janapada Sampada, Kala Darshan and Sutradhara.
In the field of cultural policy, the three notable developments have been the NPE '86, departmental efforts for formulation of a National Policy on Culture and the Report of the High-level Committee on Academies and NSD (Haksar Committee). The NPE 1986 suggested enrichment of curricula by cultural content and establishment of linkages between the university systems and institutions of higher learning in art. The Haksar Committee gave a detailed exposition of its views on approach to culture, arts and values. It said, states should start inter-district programmes inviting local grassroot level artists of dying art forms. The present method of the Zonal Cultural Councils inviting troupes to perform in an ad hoc manner is demeaning to folk artistes.'
In the Eighth Five Year Plan the Sangeet Natak Akademy (SNA) proposed to publish a three-volume encyclopedia of music, dance and theatre, have a new campus for Kathak Kendra, open two peripheral centres in Delhi and hold national workshops on music, dance and theatre. The NSD, in addition to establishment of an independent campus, proposed to set up a Theatre Archives Museum, collect period costumes, model costumes and theatre traditions, extend its repertory company and organise an Annual Theatre Festival. It also proposed to initiate a National Cultural Exchange Programme with ZCCs acting as a nodal point for research in art forms, documentation of folk and tribal arts, museums etc. and another scheme for documentation of vanishing folk and tribal art forms under ZCCs. The Programme Evaluation Organisation (PEO) had been asked to evaluate the scheme of Financial Assistance to Dance, Drama and Theatre Ensembles under which grants are given to well-established institutions to meet the expenditure towards salaries for "gurus' and artists, production grants etc.
To expose children and youth to the finest forms of creative expression multi-purpose cultural complex including those for children has been conceived as a joint venture of Centre and States. A cultural complex of international standard is proposed to he established in New Delhi through Sangeet Natak Academy to be financed partly from government resources and partly through non-budgetery sources. The IGNCA has done significant work so far and has successfully networked traditional centres of classical learning and scientific institutions. The Seventh Plan expenditure for Art and Culture was Rs. 450.89 crore.
For the first eight Plans the emphasis was on a growing public sector with massive investments in basic and heavy industries, but since the launch of the Ninth Plan in 1997, the emphasis on the public sector has become less pronounced and the current thinking on planning in the country, in general, is that it should increasingly be of an indicative nature.
Ninth Five Year Plan-  Chapter on- Art and Culture-  During the Eighth Plan, the thrust was on strengthening the regional and local museums; promoting tribal and folk culture and their systematic documentation by institutions like Anthropological Survey of India, Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCs), National and State Akademies of literature, performing, plastic and visual arts, State Departments of Culture, and setting up Shilp Grams. People’s initiative for dissemination of knowledge about the country’s various folk, tribal and classical arts, music, dance, theatre etc. was encouraged. Srimanta Sankaradeva Kalakshetra has been set up for protecting, preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of the people of Assam. Kalakshetra, Chennai was declared an institute of national importance. Financial assistance was also provided through a number of schemes to dance, drama and theatre ensembles, as also to persons distinguished in arts and letters and such other disciplines for their creative work. The Lalit Kala Akademi and the Sangeet Natak Akademi continued with their on-going programmes. The National School of Drama opened a regional centre at Bangalore and organised exhibitions and festivals of plays.
The activity in the culture sector continued to be the preservation, conservation, dissemination and promotion of all aspects of art and culture. Networking of Central and State institutions of culture including State Governments, State Akademies and Zonal Cultural Centres, Libraries and Museums were a high priority item. Priority was given to the publication programmes of the ASI, National Museum, Anthropological Survey of India, National Archives and the three national Akademies so as to bring out publications of high quality. Fellowships for authors and writers were provided to make the programmes attractive. To provide sustenance to artists engaged in performing arts, an increase in the scale of salary and production grant under ‘Guru-Shishya Parampara’ scheme was proposed. The scale of assistance to artists in indigent circumstances was also proposed to be increased to cover the increase in cost of living. Such financial assistance under ‘Guru Shishya Parampara’ was by then being provided to about 2000 artists annually.
The Department of Culture proposed to strengthen the network for preservation of classical folk and tribal arts and crafts consisting of the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya, the Anthropological Survey of India, the Zonal Cultural Centres, the three national Akademies, the NSD, the State Departments of Culture and the State Akademies. The scheme of National Culture Fund, initiated in 1996-97, was given a thrust during the Ninth Plan for promoting corporate involvement and people’s participation in preserving the cultural heritage of the country. Other programmes included a training scheme for cultural administrators in the Akademies, Zonal Centres and Govt to improve their management skills and impart knowledge of art and culture and a scheme of assistance to State and Central institutions for developing cultural software. There was a proposal for opening more Regional Resource Centres of the National School of Drama in other parts of the country. The NSD also proposed to work for propagating Indian theatre through workshops, seminars and exchange of troupes both within the country and abroad. A theatre festival at national level was also planned. The Centre for Cultural Resources and Training would devise new training programmes for programme officers of State Akademies and Directorates of Culture / Zonal Cultural Centres and National Akademies. Management input would be provided to achieve optimum results.

Tenth Five Year Plan 2002-07 ART AND CULTURE
 The main concentration in the early Five Year Plans, from the First to the Seventh Plan, was the establishment of cultural institutions in the field of archaeology, anthropology, and ethnography, archives, libraries, museums, academies etc. Central conservation laboratories were also established. Serious efforts were made in the Sixth Plan to recognise culture as one of the basic concepts to be integrated with all development activities particularly at all levels in the education sector so as to make it more relevant to day-to-day life. During the Seventh Plan, an added thrust was given to contemporary creativity, preservation, documentation and conservation of the cultural heritage and
to established cultural institutions. A large number of programmes for the preservation of monuments and sites of national importance were also taken up on a priority basis. Efforts have also been made for strengthening regional and local museums, the
Anthropological Survey of India, the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya (IGRMS), Zonal Cultural Centres (ZCCs), Akademies, the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) and science museums. Seven ZCCs were set up in various regions
to create cultural awareness among people and to identify, nurture and promote the vanishing folk art traditions in the rural and semi-urban areas. These are: Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre (EZCC), Kolkata; North East Zonal Cultural Centre (NEZCC), Dimapur; West Zone Cultural Centre (WZCC), Udaipur; South Zone Cultural Centre (SZCC), Thanjavur; North Central Zone Cultural Centre (NCZCC), Allahabad, Central ZCC, Nagpur and North ZCC, Patiala. They have been active in organising various programmes in their areas of operation. During the Ninth Plan period, the ZCCs were assigned two more activities – the Republic Day Folk Dance Festival and Craft Fair and documentation of vanishing folk art forms.

There are various central schemes through which the Department of Culture is granting fellowships to outstanding artists, scholarships to young artists, and financial assistance to needy persons who are distinguished in the letters and arts etc. and also to professional groups and individuals for specific performing art projects and to voluntary cultural organisations for the construction of buildings and purchase of equipment individuals.

Activities and programmes have been organised under 11 broad heads. They are Promotion and Dissemination, Archaeology, Museums, Archives, Anthropology, Performing Arts, Libraries, Buddhist and Tibetan Institutes, IGNCA, Activities for the Northeastern Region and Other Expenditure. The corpus fund of each ZCC is proposed
to be increased by a suitable amount in the Tenth Plan as these centres have been finding it difficult to meet increased administrative and programme expenses, especially given the declining accruals on account of lowering of interest rates. It focused mostly on ASI and Museums.

 Eleventh Five Year Plan 2007 
ART AND CULTURE-  The Tenth Plan (2002–07) allocation for Art and Culture was Rs 1720 crore. The total expenditure duringthe Tenth Plan at Rs 1526.30 crore accounted for 88.74% of Plan outlay. The expenditure under Promotion and Dissemination of Art and Culture at Rs 454.99 crore exceeded the Tenth Plan outlay of Rs 362.43 crore by 25.5%.

Promotion and dissemination of art and culture have been mainly done through seven ZCCs. The SNA, Sahitya Akademi (SA), and Lalit Kala Akademi (LKA) organized Golden Jubilee Celebrations to commemorate their fiftieth anniversaries. SNA organized Music, Dance and Theatre Festivals, Seminars and Workshops, Yuva Utsavs and Puppetry Shows. LKA organized exhibitions in India and abroad. The National School of Drama conducted more than 300 production-oriented theatre workshops and organized a Satellite Theatre Festival in Bangalore.
Indira Gandhi National Centre for Arts (IGNCA) The mandate of IGNCA is to explore, study and revive the dialogue between India and her neighbours in areas pertaining to the arts, especially in South and South East Asia. IGNCA has six functional units, viz., Kalanidhi (multi-form library); Kalakosh (Indian language texts); Janapada Sampada (lifestyle studies); Kaladarshan (visible forms of IGNCA researches); Culture Informatics Lab (technology tools for cultural preservation); and Sutradhara (coordinating IGNCA activities). IGNCA had a plan outlay of Rs 90.00 crore. IGNCA’s performance suffered a setback due to administrative and other reasons including lack of credible Plan schemes. By the time the factors responsible for dismal performance and other issues were sorted out and IGNCA re-railed, the Tenth Plan closed with an expenditure of only Rs 4.12 crore.

Many art forms are in the peril of withering away due to the lack of State patronage. Market forces can also extend support to creative arts, but these are necessarily selective and limited. There is a need for greater support for performing arts and for correcting
the distortions induced by selective support of market forces. It is with this perspective that the existing schemes in the area of art and culture including Performing Arts, in addition to being reviewed and strengthened, have been appraised and recommended
for continuation in the Eleventh Plan with modifications. As Ministry of Culture has been facing recurrent cuts in outlay due to poor spending during the first two quarters, proper expenditure planning including phasing of expenditure in sub-sectors other than Akademies and ASI. In the field of art and culture, several schemes are being implemented without assessing the process and impact. Therefore, all the schemes will be evaluated.
 Performing Arts- The existing scheme of ‘Financial Assistance to Professional Groups and Individuals for Specified Performing Art Projects’ will be bifurcated into two schemes, viz., Salary and Production Grants with revisions in the cost structure. The scheme of ‘Financial Assistance for Research Support to Voluntary Organizations engaged in cultural activities’ will be modified as the scheme of ‘Financial Assistance for Research, Seminar and Performance to voluntary organizations engaged in cultural activities’. The existing scheme of ‘Award of Senior/Junior Fellowship to Outstanding Artists in the field of Performing, Literary and Classical Arts’ would be added with a new component, namely ‘Fellowship of National Eminence’, with fellowships to outstanding scholars selected through a search process and peer review.
Strategies for the Eleventh Plan
Tapping of PPP models for sustenance of Arts and Crafts.
Greater involvement of universities in schemes of Lalit Kala, Sangeet Natak, and Sahitya Akademies.
SNA to promote and correct the imbalance in extending patronage to varied forms of art with focus on group and dances like Bihu, Bhangra, Nautanki, Dandiya, Bamboo and folk dances besides classical forms.
Preserving and promoting India’s rich intangible cultural heritage by inventorizing and documenting oral traditions, indigenous knowledge systems, guru-shisya parampara, Vedic chanting, Kuddiattam, Ramlila, folklores and tribal, oral traditions.

Specific Plan of Action for Art and Culture
Development of Sanskriti Grams for giving basic amenities to indigent urban artists.
Promoting export of core cultural goods and services for taking the country in the list of   first 20 countries ranked by UNESCO for export of culture.
Recognizing ‘cultural heritage tourism’ as an upcoming industry with mutually supportive activities.
Building cultural resources with adaptation of scientific and technological knowledge to local circumstances, and forming partnerships between local and global.
Infusion of knowledge capital in cultural institutions through flexible engagements.
Housing segments on cultural resources in the national museums and Science Cities/Centres set up by the NCSM.

A new component under performing arts is the creation of a ‘National Artists Welfare Fund’—with a corpus of Rs 5.00 crore for meeting medical emergencies of artists—as an independent administered fund with facilities to receive contributions from any lawful
The Akademies and the ZCCs will have a new scheme called ‘Protecting the Intellectual Property Rights of the artists and of cultural industries’—especially of folk and tribal artists—along with the creation of a national apparatus to work as a watchdog and facilitator in this area. A Cultural Centre at Kolkata will be set up in PPP with Calcutta
Museum of Modern Art in collaboration with the State Government with provision for funding by the three Akademies.

2.2.35 The strengthening of inter-organizational networks and introduction of management-oriented approaches in the administration of cultural institutions
are the two cardinal prerequisites for improving efficiency in the working of the cultural institutions.
2.2.36 Resuscitating India’s dwindling higher institutions of art and culture poses a real challenge and an action plan to strengthen these institutions needs to be worked out during the Eleventh Plan. Outstanding scholars from India and abroad could be encouraged to get associated with these organizations. However, it is important that institutions must be autonomous and develop a conducive working environment. In this
context, it is desirable to formulate norms and procedures for flexible engagement of scholars in higher institutions of art and culture. There is an urgent need for adopting the idea of concept makers. In other words, creating an Ideas Bank, which could explore
and scrutinize the ideas that originated in India first and then spread across the globe. The Ideas Bank could generate new research designs and modules with inter-disciplinary linkages to develop the growth of innovative research.

Sourced from-



Anita Cherian, “Institutional Maneuvers, Nationalizing Performance,Delineating Genre: Reading the Sangeet Natak  Akademi Reports 1953–1959”, Third Frame: Literature, Culture and Society Vol. 2, No. 3, July–September 2009, p.35-36

 This research was a part of WRAP (Working in Research and Policy) project for GATI. I would like to thank my co-researcher Manjari Kaul for her inputs and comments.

[1]    Anita Cherian, “Institutional Maneuvers, Nationalizing Performance,Delineating Genre: Reading the Sangeet Natak Akademi Reports 1953–1959, Third Frame: Literature, Culture and Society Vol. 2, No. 3, July–September 2009, p.35-36

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