Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Shrinking Space for the 'Moderates'

I remember discussing this with a friend, she was narrating about an incident in her own family. She is a lawyer and like me comes from a conservative family. We were having a conversation about how times have changed for Muslims and how two broad groups have formed. One of Conservatives,who follow all the tenets of Islam with a zeal, the 'practicing'Muslims (i.e. praying five times, etc.) , women doing purdah and men also dressing according to Shariah (beard, skull cap, etc.), and the other the 'Liberals'. Liberals follow religion loosely, are not practicing  and can be addressed as 'Modern' (in their thinking, approach and dressing).
  These two groups of people can be found in most religions, but there is also a third group which helps maintain the balance between the two, i..e. the Moderates.
 Since, Islam is itself going through a phase of transition, the numbers of Moderates are dwindling. There is pressure from both the Conservatives and Liberals, to choose sides. If you are not a Conservative, then you are not a 'good Muslim', and if you are not a Liberal, then probably you are not smart enough, or not well read, and can not think rationally, etc.
  We both get sermons on how we should dress as women, although we do try to be regular in our prayers, but it is difficult to please Conservatives.  But, it also raises the issue that, should we always look for a certificate of being a 'good/ proper' Muslim. Where is the spirituality in all this? Religion is an individual's relationship with God, and Quran addresses the Believer on an individual level. There is no Pope in Islam to take the confession, everything is between Banda (Believer) and Khuda (God).
   The stress on how much 'Sawab' and 'Gunah' every act of worship would get, the rigidity of rituals by Conservatives, kills the spirit of the act. The Allah that they seem to believe in is All Powerful and has wrath of which one should be always be afraid.
 The idea of Allah that Sufis believed in, All forgiving, Kind and Merciful seems to have gone to the background along with the easy-going Sufi tradition of 'sab chalta hai'(everything goes)! 
 I have many friends, who face their own struggles to find their space within this spectrum. To just be themselves as Muslims and as human-beings, without any pressure from any side. To follow their own hearts when it comes to religion. As Quran also says, that Allah will turn the heart of the Believer to His way, if He wills.

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