Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Cold Icy winds Hit my face, as I watch mothers adjusting caps, keeping babies warm. Men don jackets, gloves, girls wrap themselves in a shawl, all seeking warmth. Clothes, blankets, food— small shields against the harsh weather. And yet... As we see images: babies, shot and wounded, bodies with limbs torn apart, children crying for morsels, shredded, naked bodies lying exposed to the world. Hospitals, schools, homes—bombed. No warmth Not from the weather, Not from humans. Nothing protects from The Coldness of The Human heart No warmth of kindness It remains the Coldest Colder than icy winds, Colder than any lifeless form. Colder than any dead organism The Living, Breathing Killer ColdHeart!

Cold Icy winds Hit my face, as I watch mothers adjusting caps, keeping babies warm. Men don jackets, gloves, girls wrap themselves in a ...